My Purpose

My personal spiritual path was awakened in 2008. Triggered by three spontaneous astral travel experiences where I found myself on other worlds and planes of existence. During the third visit, I was shown the paths of opportunity that would lead my soul to its rightful place in the universe. This was the beginning of my journey to confront the dark shadows of my past and to reach ever higher states of consciousness.
Recently, as I continue receiving divine spiritual guidance, I have been shown an expanded purpose. They instruct me to guide humanity in its ascension from our 3rd dimensional existence to the 5th dimension. While preparation for entry into the 5th dimension is not a necessity, an understanding of the new living practices of the 5th dimension will certainly help smooth and hasten the process. Developing your 5th dimensional consciousness while you ascend to the 5th dimension will aid you in making real and substantial adjustments to your way of living helping you adjust to this new reality shift. This results in a healthier, happier and more spiritually awakened you.
As these monumental changes continue to spread throughout the world, more of humanity will soon realize we are all a part of the largest collective evolutionary jump in human history. And your existence during these auspicious times is no accident. Your conscious participation in your ascension to the 5th dimension ensures the best outcome for your personal spiritual growth. Furthermore, your ascension to this higher dimension will positively impact all of humanity as it also ascends to the evolved plane of consciousness that is required for exploration in the 5th dimension.
The ascension process has already begun. How long it will take, we do not yet know. However, if this message finds you ready to embark on this wondrous journey and this resonates with you or if you simply have the desire understand the 5th dimension more, please reach out. The time to act is now.